- 2 pieces of felt in preferred skin color
- 1 piece of felt in brown
- 1piece of felt in tan
- 1 piece of felt in white
- Tacky glue or hot glue gun
- Enough elastic to secure around head
- Marker
- Scissors for cutting felt
- Cutting mat (optional but helpful)
Here is the breakdown of the pieces needed:- 2 - 8" x 8" face background, with eyes cut out (Preferred skin color)
- 1 - 8" x 3" hair piece, cut into U shape (Brown)
- 1 - 2" x 1" nose piece rectangle (Tan)
- 1 - 4" x 2" mouth piece, cut into U shape (Brown)
- 2 - 1" x 1" eye pieces (White)
For this DIY project, I used tacky glue to attach all of the layers together, but you could also use hot glue. If you're especially crafty you could attach the pieces with blanket or running stitch. Step 1: Cut out all pieces according to diagram. The black spaces in the chart are eye holes that need to be cut out. Step 2: Glue the two face background pieces together. They will help the mask hold its shape better. Step 3: Attach all other face parts to the front face background piece. Step 4: To add stability to where the elastic is attached to the mask, I took a 2" x 1" piece of skin color felt and glued it next to the white eye parts, wrapping it around to the other side. I then stitched it to the mask. I cut a slit into both sides to thread the elastic. That's it! Grab your diamond sword and go get some candy.Copyright Notice
This mask and pattern are strictly for personal use and neither may be sold.Share:
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